The creative woe's of a Wednesdayy

 Over the past couple of years, I somehow seemed to have lost my creative spark. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I think it all began with the loss of a friendship that inspired and ignited my passion for decorating and photography within the virtual realm of Second Life.  

It was quite a journey for me to finally discover the spark I had been yearning for. Interestingly, it was my Darkheart sister who played a crucial role in pushing me out of my introverted shell and guiding me towards embracing my true self. Moreover, I made a conscious effort to surround myself with individuals who constantly amaze and inspire me, ultimately leading me to explore and excel in my creative passions.

I wanted to share this awesome photo of me with my sisters that we took just the other day. These amazing ladies have truly made my life so much better. They always have my back, flaws and
all, and their love and support inspire me every single day.
We've created this incredible bond where we come together like a family, embracing all of our unique personalities. It feels like we have our own little asylum of tired but strong warriors and misfits. We stick together like glue and are always there for each other, ready to ride or die. We truly believe that our bond is stronger than any blood connection. We're making the most incredible memories together, and I'm so grateful for these special moments.


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