Tonight, I had a beautiful reminder of the incredible impact that music and creativity can have on our moods. I woke up feeling a bit off, but instead of letting that feeling consume me, I decided to acknowledge it and keep pushing forward. Unfortunately, a few incidents managed to rattle my nerves and put me in an agitated state of mind. To lift my spirits, I made the choice to play some uplifting music and channel my creative energy into taking pictures of the outfit I carefully put together for my hosting gig last night.

I absolutely adore this look! I didn't want to take it off, and honestly, I still don't haha. The entire shoot turned out beautifully, and I'm just thrilled with the results!

I've been trying to infuse some of the things that really inspire me into each post that I make. 

And guess what? Tonight, the most amazing song started playing just as I was wrapping up editing this photo. It's called "Little Bit Off" by Five Finger Death Punch, and I can't help but relate to it so much because that's exactly how I felt today. Listen Below. 

I thought you might be interested in some of the details. Here they are!


Horns: Triggerd - Holy Horns

Freckles: K!ODIO - PACK BAT - EVO X

Dimple Piercing: ~Little Fish ~ Ariana Pack I (noel)

Lip Piercing: ~Little Fish ~  Jenna ( Noel)

Outfit: - pOOnsh - Lucy Outfit (black Waifu )

The stuffy I am holding:  LORE Angry Baphy Plush

Rings: RAWR! Sparta Rings


RIOT / Lilith BOM Fishnets - Fatpack

Boots: #Fiendish - Daria Boots - Reborn


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